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MLS Out of Character

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"Personally, I like to gauge my alert system with the mischief terror alert system, which begins at shenanigans, then passes through chicanery, tomfoolery, sneak-thievery, ballyhoo, malarkey, and if there's a full moon, skullduggery."
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on April 28th, 2008 @ 8:50pm

Hey kids! We just want to thank you for hanging in there with us. We know how hectic things can be and that the lifespan of most journal games are... well.. short. But we want to assure you that we have no intentions of letting MLS die. In fact, if you pop on over to the IC journal you'll see that a new awakening thread has been (finally) posted. Sorry about the wait. Audrey and Casey, you guys will be Senshified in this thread. Foxglove your presence is needed also! And the thread itself is also open to anyone else, so there can totally be other senshi present when shit hits the fan as usual. <3

ALSO! We have been thinking about possible moving the game from here to an Invisionfree message board. Of course, we want to know if you guys would be cool with that. Mostly we were thinking of doing this because the journal format can be hit or miss sometimes (as evidenced by how slow things are moving in game right now XD). We also feel that activity would possibly shoot up if the game were on a message board since there's a large chunk of peeps out there who prefer the message board format. But ultimately, it's up to you, the members, to give us feedback on whether this would be advantageous or not.

Lastly, this current time change will probably be extended to make up for the lack of posting. Again guys you don't have to wait on us to post some sort of awakening/battle thread. We encourage you all to get out there when a new time change is posted and do some threads of your own. It won't hurt, promise. :3
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on April 14th, 2008 @ 1:54pm

The new time change has just been posted kids, so now there's a brand new week for you all to post in to your wee little hearts' content. Those who awoke during the carnival are now officially senshi and should rightfully be dealing with that during this time. Also, it would make sense if maybe they went out on patrols in the middle of the night, just to check up on things here and there. Plus it would give them valuable getting-to-know-one-another time and whatnot.

ATTENTION: If you wish for your character to be awakened during this time change please comment to this post and let us know. :D

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Posted by The OOC Crowd on April 10th, 2008 @ 10:54am

Hey guys!

I just wanted to share a discover of mine. Neo Nobility is an amazing site for the future Sailor Moon story. You can also download all of the manga! Yes, all of it! For those of you who already knew about it... please don't burst my bubble of happiness. *sniffle* I was very proud of myself!

<333 Tia
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on April 2nd, 2008 @ 8:58am

We'll be extending this time change for this extra week (as if you couldn't already tell) just because school was kicking my ass and didn't give me proper time to post The Ending. And verily I say unto thee things will be updated.

Any questions?
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 30th, 2008 @ 5:40pm

Question mainly for the mods... )
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 23rd, 2008 @ 4:59pm

Hey hey...ummm Foxglove-mun, this is a question for you.

I'm not really all to sure what to do in the thread without stepping on toes and God-Modding and stuff. Soo...yeah, Mars is going to fall asleep for a tiny bit, but Venus is trying to save her by attacking Foxglove and distracting her from keeping Mars out. Sooo...can I say it worked and Mars woke up, or not...? I don't want to write something you don't agree with...so yeah, let me know!
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 18th, 2008 @ 6:39pm

Hey look at that, looks like some people are on notice.  )
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 18th, 2008 @ 8:04pm

Ummm...so did everyone die? Is anyone here? Because I'd love to be active with Mars...but no ones around it seems. Anyone want to plot with me?
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 8th, 2008 @ 9:12pm
I'm really sorry, everyone, but I have to drop Indiana. I keep going on hiatus because of RL, and now musical has started up and I will literally be living at school for the next two months. I don't want to hog a character and not be active.

Hope you all have fun!

♥ Indiana-shaped
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Posted by The OOC Crowd on March 5th, 2008 @ 8:01pm

Avery-shaped! Lydia/Avery tutoring thread soon?
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